MENA-MGA Message
MENA Medical Genetic Association (MENA-MGA) was established in January 2022 in order to promote the accurate diagnosis and care of patients affected by Genetic disorders and inborn errors of metabolism
Although a large number of patients with genetic and metabolic disorders exist in this region, there is a shortage of well-qualified geneticists in the majority of the Middle East areas.
We run different courses over the year including: basic genetics, basic inborn errors of metabolism courses, advance inborn errors of metabolism courses.
MENA-MGA Mission
Foster collaboration and knowledge-sharing among Medical Genetics professionals and researchers throughout the MENA region.
Promote the development and implementation of evidence-based practices, guidelines, policies and initiatives that enhance the best practices in Medical Genetics.
Provide access to high-quality education, training, and professional development opportunities for Medical geneticists, scientists, genetic counsellors, and other relevant healthcare providers.
Build a strong, unified community of Medical Genetics experts dedicated to improving health outcomes and quality of life for individuals and populations in the Middle East and North Africa.
Facilitate the translation of Medical Genetics research into tangible improvements in clinical care and disease prevention.
To be the leading advocate and resource for the advancement of Medical Genetics and Genomics research, education, and clinical practice across the Middle East and North Africa.